GROG, A Massive Database of RPG games
6th Jul 2012 0

Last week I got contacted by the curators of GROG, a wonderful website that gathers together every possible information about possibly every RPG games ever published.
They were uploading the Game of Thrones RPG I’ve worked on to their database, and they asked me if I was ok with having my bio published on their website.

Now, halfway through the email I had already decided to answer “Yes, why not”, then at the bottom they went “oh by the way, this is an example of how a bio looks like on our website” and I thought “What the hell, why not!”.
I mean, now I can say that Brom and I were in the same internet place, woo-hoo!

Anyway, this is my page on GROG, for the records. Yes, I look silly, but that’s pretty much one of the only pictures of myself I have where I’m not making a really stupid face.
This is just mildly stupid.
Judge by yourself.

What I really want to point out though, is how cool this website is.
In fact, I wonder why I never heard of it, even if the fact that it’s a French site – and I don’t speak French – could be a reason.
These guys massed together every possible information you might find useful about RPG, from what the games are actually about, to publishers, artists involved and whatnot.

This is what they say about themselves:

You want to be know of the latest publications, what is in every book, look at their cover, know about the differences between versions, search through grand’pa oldies, look for a precise title, browse through themes or publishers ? Moreover, the Grog is an interactive web site : you can contribute to the database by entering your own critics or comments, be they praises or slanging matches, regarding published or indie games. There are also further services : indie games database, conventions calendar, news engine, french upcoming releases, and much more to be discovered online.

It is a wonderful resource not only for RPG players, but for artists looking for reference, to get in touch with other professional and so on.
There’s also a good bunch of artwork posted on the website, which, I guess, is what artists would be most interested into.
Definitely the place you want to hang out in, either if you are into RPG games or a professional illustrator.

by Paolo Puggioni

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