Runescape Reaches 200 Millions Accounts
23rd Jul 2012 0

Last Thursday Runescape reached the 200 Millions Accounts mark.
Not bad for a game which has been around for more than ten years eh?

If I’m not wrong we’re also in for a Guinness world record.
Which is cool, because I like the idea of winning a Guinness record without having to do something outright crazy like eating a van full of sausages or things like that.

Anyway, we have a big huge monitor in the hall at Jagex, with a counter reading the Runescape accounts created. Same as the one you see on our website.
On Thursday all the Runescape team gathered in front of the screen waiting for THE MOMENT, then everyone cheered at the 200 millionth account, and there was a party and everything.

Everyone but me I mean, and the other Concept Artists.
We were out of office for our training, damn it.
Really, crap, we totally missed it.
I won’t even post what we drew for our training because screw it.
Happy for the result though, I hope EVERYONE ELSE enjoyed the moment.

Now that I think of it this post is making me sad, you could have waited another day to register those new accounts, dear players. I’ve been looking at that counter for weeks, thinking “hey nearly there!”.
Damn it.

Anyway, big success. There are articles about it on pretty much all the gaming websites.
This is the article on Kotaku, then, Metro, and IGN amongst others.

However, it kind of sucks that they all posted 7-8 years old graphics and not the new, shiny, pretty ones we are releasing now.
Oh well.

This is an info-graphic we’ve been preparing for a while.
I think the data displayed are pretty impressive.
Congratulations Runescape, I hope that for the 300 Millions celebrations I’ll be at my desk.

Facts about Runescape

by Paolo Puggioni

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