First One
25th Feb 2010 0

Several months ago I had a brilliant idea. Actually I must have had more then just a brilliant idea back then, but right now I can remember only that particular one: I had to write a book.
I’m not new at writing, in the sense that I’ve already written a few short stories in the past (and my friends said they were awesome, so, there!) so it’s not like I said anything like “tomorrow I want to be a mathematician”. I could actually do it.

Plus, instead of having a lot of good beginnings and no endings in mind, as usual, that time I had both of them. I mean, the beginning and the end of the same story, all together. I couldn’t believe it. However, the great epiphany was the fact that, though working in the videogames industry, I am a professional illustrator and I could have made the illustrations myself, be paid twice as much than your average writer, and become rich and famous in no time.

So I put some serious heavy metal into my playlist, poured myself several glasses of wine and started writing my first picture book. It was the first time I was writing something with the deliberate intent of being published and I was quite excited, so I ended up writing about three thousands words in a day. There.
Now I only had to illustrate it, but I had no idea of the size of a standard picture book. You know, painters always need to know the size of the canvas they will be painting on. So I googled it and, well, I didn’t expect to find what I did. I started with the various sizes and shapes of picture books, then I read about signatures, end pages, self-ended books, agents, queries, rejection forms, slush piles, adverbs to be avoided at all costs, bloggers and fellow aspiring writers, and I found myself sucked into a world of information I’m still struggling to process. Plus, since I want to illustrate the stories I write myself, I had to face the fact that drawing for videogames is nothing like drawing for picture books, and I would have to learn a completely new set of skills.

I bought a gazillion picture books (my three-year-old daughter didn’t mind), I read a few books on the craft, went back to life-drawing classes and subscribed to several forums and blogs. Oh, and I got rid of the three-thousand-word manuscript, it was crap. And I started to consider the illustrations in my website and also found them crap, and I am going to have to re-do it all from scratch, I can barely stand the sight of it now. And I was just googling for the size of a sheet of paper for christ’s sake.
Anyway, one of the things I found out during these past few months is that you need feedback at all stages of your work, you can’t be a good judge of what’s on stage when you’ve seen the bunnies get stuffed into the hat  (I’m quoting someone but may I choke to death on the spot if I remember who).
Hence this blog. Mostly to force myself to write on a regular basis, then to post works in progress, both drawn and written, and have people tell me “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG”.
I mean, before I write three thousands words for a picture book again.

Nullam rhoncus auctor orci, et viverra orci lobortis vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam sed purus elit. Duis semper enim eu enim tristique quis consectetur neque condimentum. Pellentesque ut nisi erat. Quisque eget augue orci. Morbi et nunc nunc. Nullam dictum, nibh quis pretium volutpat, lectus orci scelerisque urna, et molestie est lorem vel est. Donec eleifend, quam in volutpat fringilla, orci turpis ullamcorper tellus, vel sollicitudin leo erat in risus. Donec varius felis sed nunc consectetur scelerisque. Nullam placerat euismod vestibulum. Proin euismod tristique sem a faucibus. Maecenas laoreet faucibus elementum. Sed mollis lectus dui. Mauris vel mollis orci.

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